Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pains are very common, and occur often from a repetitive movement injury, as well as from nerve damage or impeachment, often after a whiplash injury to the neck.

Shoulder injuries react very positively to Acupuncture. The Acupuncture treatment addresses the problems from many different aspects at the same time.

It brings circulation to the area, promoting natural healing of tendons, ligaments and fascia in the area. It relaxes the muscles, reduces inflammation, reduces pain and promotes an overall healing state in the area.

The results of Acupuncture treatments are faster and better than many of the traditional treatments.

It is very beneficial to combine different forms of treatments at the same time, like Acupuncture with Massage, and/ or Chiropractic treatment or Physiotherapy.

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Shoulder pains are very common, and occur often from a repetitive movement injury, as well as from nerve damage or impeachment, often after a whiplash injury to the neck.

Shoulder injuries react very positively to Acupuncture.
The Acupuncture treatment addresses the problems from many different aspects at the same time.
It brings circulation to the area, promoting natural healing of tendons, ligaments, and fascia in the area.
It relaxes the muscles, reduces inflammation, reduces pain and promotes an overall healing state in the area.
The results of Acupuncture treatments are faster and better than many of the traditional treatments.
It is very beneficial to combine different forms of treatments at the same time, like Acupuncture with Massage, and/ or Chiropractic treatment or Physiotherapy.

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